Custom Active Campaign and Salesforce Sync Integration


What prompted this project is because the organization was rather large and the Active Campaign native salesforce application was not designed for large enterprises.

Issues with native integration:

  • The native integration did not leverage their new batch api so it was only capable of running a sync on 10 records each batch. This caused the scheduled jobs to be overloaded with ongoing sync jobs from Active Campaign.
  • Due to salesforce limitations the sync was only capable of running every hour. With high level lead activity this caused large queue each hour. This also made the automations less "real time" because the sync happen only every hour and in some cases was so backlogged that it may take 4 hours or more.
  • I noticed that if a sync failed the native application did not flag the record as being failed and pull it out of the queue. So essentially what you had was some records took in an infinite loop failing.
  • The native application did not support person account organizations.
  • The native application did not support custom objects